And, because I feel really motivated at the moment here's Balance Commentary part 3. Please excuse any negativity, since I'm mostly mentioning the weaker units. The game won't be any less awesome because of them. So I hope everyone gets to enjoy post 3, featuring:
Assassin - This unit is almost too good. It completely circumvents the frontline AND hits 2 units. The only downside is when it dies, and the enemy backline doesn't. And maybe its low base HP.
Verdict: one of the top units in the game. IF you want to nerf it, maybe give it the Knife Thrower's ability instead.
Poisoner - Another top unit in my opinion. It cleans up the backline squishies safely from the 2nd row. It also doesn't need attack buffs.
Verdict: another top unit. IF you want to nerf it, either reduce its range (that's less of a nerf than it sounds like, I play it in the 1st row a lot) or make it simply hit everyone for 2, without attacking normally.
Monster - Some people say that it's S-tier, I personally think that it's mostly fine. The attack is halved and the targets are random. Other units are somewhat more reliable.
Verdict: I think it's okay, but as a nerf reducing the amount of attacks to 4 is an easy option without a massive impact.
Shadow - An incredibly strong unit. Most of the time, it will oneshot the 3 units in the back. Makes for an amazing carry, more so because the Assassin is similarly amazing.
Verdict: nerfing this directly is really hard. A rework would be a better idea. I'd simply rework the Assassin to be weaker, leaving the Shadow nerfed as a result.
Knife Thrower - On paper, this unit isn't even that bad. You likely kill a Tier3 tank unit and the Knife Thrower needs no investments. In practice, the Assassin is just so much better. Why would you leave the Assassins unbuffed? Either you buff the Assassins and then downgrade them, or you're gathering terribly weak Tier2 units and die before you get the Knife Thrower.
Short Verdict: bad unit, needs rework
Long Verdict: one buff would be to remove the damage to itself, and reduce the bonus damage to say 50 or 100. I'd also swap it with the Monster, since the Monster is a unit that wants buff, just like the Assassin. Meanwhile the Knife Thrower is a unit that DOESN'T want buffs, just like the Poisoner.
There's also another option: this unit is meant to be a counter against strong frontliners. It's whack to gather a counter that's a Tier3 unit, and would have a better find in a Tier2 unit. So one option would be to switch it with the Assassin, or even give it its own unit branch. As a Tier1 unit, it might deal 10 damage to the target and itself. As a Tier2 unit, it might deal an additional 50 damage to the target and itself. Maybe there's a Tier2 variant that deals an extra 20 to the target, but not itself. There's a lot of things that can happen here.
Living Weapon - This unit is a lot weaker than the Armory. At the point where you get it, the front unit likely already has a lot of attack. I'd much rather spread my attack out a bit more, especially with ranged units the frontline profits from that anyway.
Verdict: there's a niche for this, the buff value should probably be the same as the Armory's though.
Weapon Limbs - This unit doesn't suffer the drawbacks of Living Weapon, because it triggers when shopping. That means that you can reposition your units to specifically get the buff on the target you want.
Verdict: don't think this is like the Living Weapon. This one needs to gain less stats the the Furnace. I repeat: do not buff.
Berserker - You get +8 stats once. That should tell you how bad this unit is.
Verdict: must be buffed. For example, it could temporarily gain +8 attack each time it attacks. Or it could gain +3 attack each round.
Shield Knight - To be better than the Berserker, this unit must be hit 9 times. It's just as bad.
Verdict: must be buffed. For example, it could be immune during the first round of combat, or it could prevent attacks against the backline, taking the damage in their stead.
A Shield? - This unit is hard to rate. It counters certain units in the game, but overall I don't think it's too good. One of the issues is that it's both a front and backline unit (you want it in the backline, to grant its buff as long as possible, but you probably buffed the Shield Knights with lots of HP). This would be a great unit if you know what you'll be fighting against, but so far I consider it bad.
Verdict: must be buffed. I like the "invulnerable during the 1st round" idea here as well. Maybe it could extend it to the entire army. Similar with the taking damage in their stead thing. I think the issue is that most backline targeting units (other than the Fire Mage) just oneshot their targets, and 5 less damage won't help.
Tower Knight - This is the HP equivalent to attacking 2 enemies. So technically speaking that would mean it follows more of a Tier2 curve. It is a fairly strong unit anyway, however I would never get it as its ancestor is just too bad. Offense still reigns supreme.
Verdict: what this unit needs is a buff to the Shield Knight. This also makes me think that maybe the Shield Knight could take half damage and the Tower Knight only 1/3rd? Or possibly both take half damage, but the Shield Knight only from the frontline.
Barbarian - This one is a really cool unit. It is the only unit in the game that deals double damage against the frontline (also a thing that the Berserker could get). It also gets extra attacks against backline attackers.
Verdict: cool unit and in a great place
Ogre - The strongest lategame unit in the game. It obliterates almost every teamcomp with a single attack if it's buffed sufficiently. The only way to win against an Ogre is to have a unit yourself that can solo the Ogre's army. Speaking thusly, it might actually make sense that the Berserker is this weak, simply to balance out the Ogre.
Verdict: this unit is very hard to balance. Honestly speaking, nerfing it will probably leave it weaker than the other multiattack units (unless you do something like reduce the damage to 40% of its attack). Maybe also give it a drawback like taking double damage. Alternatively, it could deal double damage and any excess damage carries over to the next unit.
Final option would be to nerf all multiattack units. In that case, maybe the Ogre would hit the first 3 units. A nerf isn't mandatory either; so far it still requires a lot of investment to get the Ogre rolling and at that point every other teamcomp I got also steamrolled almost everything. Might be best to just see how good it is in the future.
Balance Commentary Post 2 incoming. Please excuse any negativity, since I'm mostly mentioning the weaker units. The game won't be any less awesome because of them. So I hope everyone gets to enjoy post 2, featuring:
Bards - I like every single Bard unit, they all have a decent spot for themselves. I could see using each of them in some set of circumstances.
Verdict: fun & balanced
Super Cleric/Healer - I think they're generally weaker than the Scholar branch. Obviously the HP are better on the frontliner, but it is possible to focus the Scholar a bit more by leaving it in the barracks. I think the Healer's thing is more that you can leave it in the Army, where it won't be doing much because it lacks range.
Verdict: overall a good unit, would benefit from having 2 range like the Scholars.
Necromancer - I've said many times before, that buffs are better on the units that need them. The Necromancer doesn't need them. Worse yet, it grants itself a measly 5 HP per attack. Chances are it gets hit before even getting 30HP for itself. At that point, the Super Cleric would've done more. The range doesn't help much either, since the Healer never had any to begin with.
Verdict: this unit needs a rework, or a massive buff. @TheRealAskz proposed reviving units on 1 HP once, which I like. Or maybe increase the buff value to +10+10 (that's in line with the Tambourinist btw.).
Long Thrower - Another unit that suffers the 5-range issue. At the point where you get it, you're already overkilling the enemy frontline, and you're also opening up the 2-range slot in your army. The Sprinkler is just always the better option.
Verdict: it still provides an alternative niche, but it should probably get a damage boost or more reliable piercing effect. E.g. make it attack the 2nd unit if the 1st unit is already dead.
Spiked Shield - So instead of dealing its attack to the squishier and more dangerous 2nd and 3rd units, it deals up to 25 bonus damage to the front unit. That's just terrible. E.g. the Barbarian attacks the attacking unit back. The Spiked Shield is much, much worse than that. I guess its purpose is to melt the frontline, but it is terrible at it. Hitting the backline is just always better, unless it's a 1-unit team. But it's even worse against those.
Verdict: this requires heavy buffing. At the very least it should retaliate equal it its attack or half its HP. You could also increase the amount to 20. Or, if you want it to be really unique: return half the damage to the sender (shouldn't reduce the damage it takes though, otherwise it's just a better Tower Knight)
Fire Mage - This might be the first unit I mention because it is really good. It's just amazing at clearing out the squishy backline. With optimal targeting it can sometimes kill 3 units at the start of combat.
Verdict: I would still leave it as is though, since it's a great enabler of low-buff teams.
Entropy Mage - In general terms, this unit is weaker than the Fire Mage, but I think it has a wonderful niche for itself in which it excels. The unfortunate part is that it looses its damage as it gets hit, so it can be unreliable at times.
Verdict: it's in a decent spot. It doesn't need buffs if AOE units overall get nerfed. Otherwise, there's 2 options: either before combat its attack becomes half its HP, or the weaker buff would be that it uses its attack once its HP are too low.
Chaos - I think this is a great unit. Amazing for a team without damage buffs. It deals an average of 50 damage per round, usually targeting better enemies than the frontline. The big part is that because of the nature of its predecessor, it likely has a lot of HP.
Verdict: balanced
Entropy Wizard - This unit suffers from similar issues as the Entropy Mage. It needs a lot of HP to be better than Chaos.
Verdict: should probably not loose damage when it gets hit.
One Man Army - the maximum amount of buffage this guy gets is +8 stats if every other slot is empty. That's pretty weak, especially since it's more likely +6 as other slots are occupied by the units you're gathering to upgrade it. On the other hand, it's extremely cost-effective, and allows you to concentrate fully on upgrading it.
Verdict: I guess it can't be made too strong. Though it could do with a buff like "randomly +1+0 or +0+2"
Round Warrior - What prevents me from simply putting a Healer into my first army slot instead? That's the same amount of HP per turn. Also this unit itself is a bad recipient for its own buff. Units like the Hoplite or Assassin just make twice as much out of it.
Verdict: the amount of stats this gets is really underwhelming. Should be minimum +0+6.
Three Swords Style - This suffers all the same downsides as the One Man Army. The max stats i grants are +24. The one thing keeping it afloat are the One Man Army's stats. I guess at least you can just slam items onto it like crazy?
Six Armed Demon - The amount of buffs is dissatisfying. Just like the Three Swords Style, it mostly gets carried by its Tier2 unit. It then makes for a decent frontline unit while you start collecting a backline.
Double Verdict: these 2 units are mostly being hampered by the concept. They can't be too strong, otherwise you'd have a braindead strategy. I think it's fun to have a meme strat or two though, so they're fine as they come. Alternatively, one of them could diverge from the theme and gain a completely different ability, that gives it a power multiplier - like double attack or damage reduction.
Beetle Guard - you upgrade a unit that gets the same HP as the Healer grants, but only on itself to a unit that gets LESS HP than the Super Healer grants, but only on itself.
Verdict: both Beetle Guard and Round Warrior need to gain WAY more stats. I'd give this one at least double of what it receives at the moment.
Mush Knight - This is the sole reason I'd build round warriors for. If you're lucky, you can end up with a bunch of 1-attack enemies. Unfortunately it gets slaughtered by high attack units.
Verdict: The attack reduction needs to be a % value rather than a flat value. The greatest danger to this unit are high attack units after all. Alternatively, it could be reworked to reduce the enemy maximum damage. E.g. after their first attack, the enemy's attack is reduced to 50 if it is higher. Then to 45, then to 40, etc.
Again love the game I just wish there were pairs of units that just go together like how in SAP the horse and cricket go together. I also wish you could freeze one thing then roll without losing that thing
Sry for nagging you with my unnecessary requests lol
there are units that go together, just not rly in tier 1, also going from auto pets to this, the mass freeze felt a little weird, but now i like it, it helps this game differentiate from auto pets, and also idk why but i just feel smarter using mass freeze and thinking about whether i should roll again if i've got like 2 gold, and see if i can get 2 units i want, or freeze here and for sure get 1 unit i want
Would be really nice if hovering over reroll told you it costs, at first I thought it was basically a button to cheat, equivalent to save summing or something, then when i did use it I didn't notice my gold was gone and lost as a result.
I find damage confusing. Like I think the red number is damage, but then why does the archer description give mention to doing 1 damage up front and not the other dude? Shouldn't it be "+1" since it already deals 1 by default?
I fought my own army in "Player Combat" and the funny part is that the armies consisted of a super boosted Piercer agaisnt a super boosted Shadow and it ended in a draw
i will make a tier list for tier 3 (the ones i can remember and the ones i have unlocked)
(This Tier List Is Very Long Lik-)
S Tier = Is OP
A Tier = Is The Best
B Tier = A Good Option
D Tier = A Decent Choice
F Tier = It's A Unbalanced Unit (in a bad way)
Z Tier = Reserved For Knife Thrower
List Of Tier 3s:
Big Backpack = B Tier
cuz big and backpack starts with b and cuz there isn't a good amount of tier 1 gear
Overprepped = D Tier
Rat man is better (cuz Lievven said so)
Rat Man = B Tier
while hoarder is bad rat man is 2 times better
Time Traveler = B Tier
while any tier of gear above 1 is good you only get four so its b tier (also cuz there is no T Tier)
Akimbo = F Tier
there is a lot of units that have this same ability but different range a hoplite is better cuz only cost 9 gold for 2 less range
Soul Musician = S Tier
this is OP when you have a lot of low health units
Tamborinist = A Tier
it heals your whole team by 2 health after attacking (unless it dies lol)
Graduate = S Tier
its good mid game since you focus on buying units instead of gear
Life Coach = S Tier
same with Graduate
Necromancer = F Tier
why does this exist it would be D Tier if its range was five or it could be a S Tier if a unit dies it is revive it with one hp once
Super Cleric = A Tier
its good if the front unit is protecting a 2 or/and 3 range unit or it a ability to reduce damage
Long Thrower = D Tier
Sprinkler Is Better
Piercer = D Tier
Sprinkler Is Better
Spiked Shield = D Tier
its good up frant if it has 300 hp at least (and Sprinkler Is Better)
Sprinkler = S Tier
Give This Unit 200 Attack And You Already Got A Victory
Chaos = B Tier
its a good clean up unit
Entropy Wizard = S Tier
Give This Unit 200 Attack 300 Health And You Already Have A Victory
Meteor Mage = S Tier
Give This Unit 200 Attack And You Already Got A Victory
Volcano Mage = B Tier
its a good clean up unit
ATM Machine = A Tier
Couponer = S Tier
Dragon = D Tier
dis is D Tier cuz dragon starts with d (note rerolling does NOT buff the dragon)
Bargainer = F Tier
if you get this before turn 5 its A Tier
3 Sword Style = B Tier
this is b tier but the tier 4 " " and " " is good since if the battle results in a loss it breaks the game
Beetle Guard = A Tier
hp good
Mushroom thing i forgot what its was called = D Tier
Why You Reduce tack is not that good
Six Armed demon = B Tier
is good
Acid Thrower = B Tier
Good Behind The Front Unit
Monster = S Tier
Give This Unit 100 Attack And You Already Got A Victory
Knife Thrower = Z Tier
like the scorpion (super auto pets reference) but why would you use 27 rouges (equal to 81 gold) for a 1000 damage unit plus it is possible to get 1001 hp
Shadow = S Tier
it's in s tier cuz shadow starts with s and if you Give This Unit 200 Attack And You Already Got A Victory
Armory = S Tier
attack time be like
Furnace = B Tier
if you pair this with 1 Couponer And 6 ATMs And Sell The ATMs You Get The Most Gear Available
Overprepped logic also applies to Big Backpack. (both just half as strong as their counterpart).
Akimbo is still B-tier, it effectively gets the HP of the units in front of it. Works great together with Mages and a pure tank frontline.
Piercer is probably A-tier. It and the Hoplite are a lot more reliable than the Sprinkler and Javeliner, so I've had a better time making them my carry. Plus triple attack usually only needs 2 attacks to win anyway, after the first of which all dangers would be dead. (Or if they're still alive, you'd be worse off with the Sprinkler)
Knife Thrower is only 9 Rogues and costs 27 Gold (like any other Tier3). It's still the worst unit in the game. It would be a decent unit if it didn't die instantly. If you're worried about it being overpowered, make the bonus damage 100.
Living Weapon/Weapon Limbs are both weaker than their respective counterpart. Maybe B-tier, with some niche options. Attack buffs have diminishing returns: at that point in the game you probably want to spread them more evenly, rather than hyperbuffing the one frontliner that can already oneshot most things.
A lot of these units are ranked pretty nicely though.
Great game! Have been playing since monday and have enjoyed it so far. I have a few questions.
First: Sometimes enemy clerics spawn with 0 damage, so I supose their initial stats are randomiced?
Second: From wich country can you download the game? Says unaviable from mine and I'm looking forward to play it without requiring any kind of conection.
Originally the Cleric was a 0/4 but was changed in a recent update. We didn't go back and fix some of the armies you fought against though, so thats probably why they still have 0 atk.
We're looking to release in more countries soon! I believe now were only released in the US and Canada.
I've posted on Tier-2 unit balance before, and wanted to expand this to all units that I feel need some change after I have completed the unitpedia (again). Please excuse any negativity, since I'm mostly mentioning the weaker units (some stronger ones might come later). The game won't be any less awesome because of them. So I hope everyone gets to enjoy post 1, featuring:
The Hiker - I've considered this unit weak before, but ever since changed my opinion. It only gets +4 permanent stats per round, but the temporary +2+2 item and the great scaling of its Tier1 ancestor make this a great early game unit that doesn't require any buffing.
Verdict: balanced
The Hoarder - In theory this can grant a ton of stats, in practice you can't afford that many items. It scales better in the lategame with upgraded shopkeepers, but is trash up until you've almost won anyway. On top of that, having 2 doesn't scale any better than having only 1.
Verdict: easily fixable by duplicating any item you place on any unit on itself. That way having 2 of them is better than having 1, and you can target the items on the units that need them.
Big Backpack - By my calculations, this one should get +8 permanent stats per round on itself. Horrible compared to other Tier3 buff units that grant up to +18 stats on better targets, and also weaker than his brother.
Verdict: needs a rework, always just a strictly better or worse alternative than the TImetraveller
Overprepped - This unit is actually a downgrade of the Hiker. The duplicate item is better on other units, that use the stats better through multi-attack or similar scalings.
Verdict: should receive the item 4 times
Shop Keep - This unit is bad. You'd have to buy 3 items every single round, to justify not having any other buffing unit instead. Again, having two of these doesn't scale either.
Verdict: needs buff, maybe reduce the price of the first two items bought by 2. That way you'd have more of an incentive to buy items, and with two of these you'd either get 4 items off, or the 2 items are free.
Bargain Seeker - This unit has its priorities completely backwards. First a discount on items (when you need units) and later a discount on units (when you want items). Plus you need to buy 3 units every round to beat the Banker, a Tier2 unit.
Verdict: at the very least, this should discount BOTH shops. Or grant a bigger discount for the first few units bought. Potentially grant you a number of free rerolls every round.
Dragon - Gains +1 stats per gold spent. That's 10 stats per round. On itself, the worst possible target. This shares the spot for the worst Tier3 buffing unit in the game with the Big Backpack & the Overgeared.
Verdict: make it more unique. This could hoard (save) gold between turns. Gain massive attack buffs from unspent gold. Give it 5 range (makes sense for a mighty Dragon, no?) Or simply just increase the buff to 2x or 3x per gold spent. Go all-out, this can have 3x the stats of a Shadow or Piercer without being (more) broken.
Longbowman - Generally range is amazing, but 5 range just isn't better than 3 range. In the first place, before getting a 5 range unit I'd get a 2 and 3 range unit. At that point, you're already pretty saturated with damage and the Longbowman is likely just overkilling the enemy frontline. It also isn't safer than a 3 range unit, because of Assassins and some of its range is taken away by the downside.
Verdict: at least remove the downside. It still wouldn't be my preferred choice, but it could be useful if its upgrades are good. Alternatively give it some bonus damage so it doesn't require buffing to do anything.1
Long Crossbowman - This one suffers from the same range issue as the longbowman. Usually Akimbo just beats it. Also after upgrading it, the 3-range slot is now open, giving the range almost not benefit at all.
Verdict: it's still a decent niche option, but it might be better to rework. Maybe make it a piercing attack that hits the first 3 units for 10 damage or something similar.
Longer Bowman - Still the range issue. It's a decent niche upgrade though, since it hits the backline - something not many units do. The double damage is a nice extra, but not particularly good. At the point where you get this, you should have some massive damage buffs already (or you're overextending items by buffing multiple units that all need attack)
Verdict: usually a waste of gold, but maybe it could find a place in some teams that don't utilize buffing units. Potentially change the double damage to a flat damage bonus.
Sniper - Again, the range issue. This unit's niche however is definitely no-buff comps. In general that seems to be where the Longbowmen are heading. Unfortunately, I do not think that it is that viable compared to Poisoners or Volcano Mages, simply due to the base unit having almost no attack.
Verdict: Longbowmen need a flat attack bonus to make this viable.
Any units from the Adventurer, Money Bags & Archer lines that I haven't mentioned are likely in a good place (at least based on my thoughts), or will be if their predecessors get a buff.
i just thought if a rogue in front goes against another rogue up front then the back units will only get hit (unless range) so that problem could cause a lot of problems like soft locks and bugs
Anyways, Here Are Ideas For Update
x Win Option: You Can Set How Many Wins To Get To Get A Victory
Endless: You Might Already Been Planning To Add That Anyways
Campaign? : A Campaign Sounds Cool With Bosses I Guess
Pause And Fast forward: Freeze Plus Speed
Private And Public Versus: lag go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Cosmetics : yes gain them from campaign or buy with points from winning
New units : units that are new
custom versus rules: i can't wait to see lobbies with settings like only use rouge and 1 life
(i dont like pressing left shift anymore)
ranked mode: rank
casual mode: casu
gear effects : stuff like "20% to dodge but when dodge let unit behing take damage"
Eventually the rogues would kill the back units until one worked its way up and would hit the front unit.
We have a couple of these that we're thinking of implementing in the future. Our next update will have new units!
Ranked is stretch goal for sure, as well as a longer mode that we can try to implement with out current setup! Currently the game stops if you go past 30 turns just because of saving/loading data for armies. I'm looking in a way to make this longer so we can have longer games.
Thank you all so much for playing the game! We will have a public Discord opened up with the next update, coming this weekend, for everyone to share builds, guides, strategies, and share your complaints thoughts with the developers.
Until then, thanks for commenting and being a part of this community, Y'all are rad <3
yw, btw I found a tiny teensy mistake. the one-man army and round warrior aren't by each other but they come from the same tier one unit instead it is alternating with the poisoner and Assasin. it probably doesn't bother anyone else but im a perfectionist lol.
Same thing with how the tier 3s arent just in the rows of 4 matching the base unit, it feels wrong and also a bit harder to figure out whats left in a unitpedia
Thanks for all the support, we've now hit over 10* my original goals of 200 plays with over TWO THOUSAND plays!
We're going to try to push an update (Balance and Content) out this weekend, which will also have an invite to our discord where we can discuss more as a community.
If you've been liking the game so far, leaving a rating or review would be incredible. Every comment makes my day so thank you all so much!
i have noo idea what this is a friend sent this to me and the only context i got was "i have no itch account" that's it soo idk what to call this i'm thinking his ability should be that after attack lower attack by 5 to attacked enemy and self
Use the Ratman rather than the Overprepper. Not only does the Rat give MORE items, it also gives the items to better targets. Aka. your other units that hit multiple enemies or take reduced damage.
Overprepper would need 4 items to be as effective as the Ratman.
The Couponer works just as well with the Rat. That's the issue here: the Ratman is just always better. Because it triples the effectiveness of each item, instead of doubling it like the Overprepper. Plus it gives the extra items to units that have a better use for it than itself.
if winning is too easy for you i got some challenges for you in no order so I won't get replies like "oh this challenge is to easy the one where you have to <insert challenge name here> because of that <insert long explanation here about abilities>" or like "NoOoOooO tHe <insert challenge name here> cHaLlenGe iS tOo hArd PLeAse pUt ThAt OnE oN HaRD chAlLEnGEs" so here we go.
1. No Gear Allowed (other units that can buff is allowed)
2. No Long Range Units Allowed (units with range above 1 is not allowed)
3. No Short Ranged Units Allowed (units with range below 2 is not allowed)
4. Like Challenges 2 or 3 but the units evolution must meet with the rules (if you want an evolution but it doesn't follow the rules put it in the barracks until it follows the rules)
5. Only One Type Of Unit
6. No Buffing Units Allowed (gear is allowed so shopkeeper and couponer is a good idea too your team)
7. Only 3 Units
8. Only 2 Units
9. Only One Unit
10. Like 9 But Barracks Are Disabled (Edit1: self buffing is allowed btw)
11. No Gear Or Buffing Units Allowed (it's possible but I did it on normal)
These sound quite fun! It's funny because before the game came out, the only "Player Armies" were the dev / internal tester armies, and the game was way harder. Now that more casual players are playing, the "Player Armies" may be easier than Advanced sometimes ._.
This game is so fun! I was able to complete the Unit-Pedia over the course of a day, and it really forces you all sorts of interesting strategies, so I would recommend anyone to try.
Of course, I also got to know the strong and weak units, in the context of creating every Tier 3. I would say that the Adventurer and Bard are best for staying ahead of the curve, while the Archer and Mage have good damage, and the Warrior provides sturdy cover for ranged units. On the other hand, the Recruit (usually), and the Lancer seemed weak, and I would pass them up when going for the other Tier 3's.
Some of the specific Tier 2 paths also felt lacking. The Hoarder, Shop Keep, and Blacksmith are a bit too hard to use (mostly because I always need to be rerolling to find enough units for Tier 3), and the Entropy Mage never really did much until I already had a Tier 3 defensive wall. My personal favorites were the Hiker, Fire Mage, Scholar, and Weapon Smith, which worked well in lots of different armies.
Overall, it was really satisfying to go from struggling to make any Tier 3's to getting three in a single army – there is definitely a focus on skill, and minimizing luck instead of being bent to its will.
The luckiest thing I had happen was a One Man Army in turn one – that's a shop with only Recruits, and it happened to me twice!
Mind talking some about the balance? I also completed the unitpedia and I agree on some of them, and wanna get more opinions on the other ones.
I found that the Adventurer/Hiker as well as Warrior would mostly make a good early unit, because they scaled fast, but wouldn't be any good once you got all the Tier2 units necessary for your comp, in fact they'd just seem to slow me down at that point. I would imagine them to be a lot better if you reroll a lot to Tier3 them maybe?
I typically don't need to reroll too much for Tier3 and like to use Lancer/Assassin for the frontline, to get the double attack going with a Smith/Cleric/Bard for defense.
That way the Blacksmith is actually pretty decent, tho I prefer to use the Weapon Smith over it to concentrate its buffs into only 3 scaling units.
Since I do game analysis as a hobby, I've tried to roughly sort good and bad units for my entertainment, for the devs to maybe save some work balancing and for players to hopefully have an easier and better time. If anyone has to add or correct anything, please go ahead and comment for the benefit of everyone.
I have only sorted Tier 2 units (since having weak Tier 2's is what you die from and my unitpedia just got deleted) and I rank them in 3 categories:
Weak - these units are way below the baseline, and I try to avoid them
Okay - these units are still below the baseline, but playable
Strong - these units are at or above the baseline
Drummer/Musician Baseline
These give 5+ stats per round if you use them right. While the amount is better than normal, the spread makes it a bit weaker.
Hoplite Baseline
This attacks 2 units, meaning it effectively doubles all buffs it receives. It also counters tanky frontliners, as it strikes behind them as well.
Javilener Strong
Range is still OP, and this is the only ranged unit to potentially get extra attacks in. It does get counted by very tanky frontliners, but it's still decent against them, as range is their counter.
Berserker Weak
A one-time buff of 8 damage. Other units outscale this in 1 or 2 turns. (Tip: make this unit's attack bonus temporarily grow every time it attacks)
Shield Knight Weak
To be better than the Berserker, this guy must be hit by 9 attacks. (Tip: make this unit invulnerable during the first round of combat)
Fire Mage Strong
Range is OP, giving this unit effectively the HP of the first slot unit, that alone makes it good. The random targeting and extra damage make it a powerhouse at cleaning up squishies.
Entropy Mage Strong
Range still OP. Additionally, the unique ability eventually outscales the Fire Mage.
Assassin Strong
Hitting 2 units doubles attack and attack buffs from other units. Hitting the backline is better than the frontline, but has the downside of doing nothing if it dies and they survive.
Poisoner Strong
Range is still OP. Deals an additional 8 damage. This is the Berserker, but good. Possibly too good, since the bonus damage oftentime cleans 1-2 backliners.
Blacksmith Strong
Grants an average of 6 stats per round, but on random targets, definitely hits the baseline
Weapon Smith Strong
Only grants 4 stats per round, but doesn't hit barracks units, making it very reliable
Longbowman Okay
Theoretically it gains the HP of every unit in front of it, but in practice it easily gets shut down by units that target the backline. It also barely got more "buddy" HP than a 3 range unit, due to getting nerfed to 1 attack in the frontline. (Tip: just remove the frontline nerf)
Crossbow Man Strong
Range is still OP, and it's the only unit with 3 range. In return, the 3 extra damage is weaker than the mages' version.
Healer Strong
This gives slightly below baseline stats to the unit that needs them the most.
Scholar Strong
Gives 50% more stats than the healer, but to random targets. However since it targets only the army, it's still fairly reliable. Did I mention it's ranged yet?
One Man Army Okay
Grants itself up to 8 stats, realistically the best is 6. However, it is also a bad target, due to lacking power amplifyers. The random stat distribution doesn't help. The saving grace is that you upgrade him a lot faster.
Round Warrior Okay
Same stats as the healer, but targets ONLY itself.
Banker Strong
The extra gold is 2 items/units every 3 rounds. In items, that's roughly 3-4 stats per round on the best targets. And units are even better.
Shopkeep Okay
You have to buy 3 items per round for this to gain more value than the banker. This can't be used on units. And unlike the banker, 2 of these don't stack either. (Tip: make this "one random item per round is free" or "the first two items you buy each round cost 2 less")
Hiker Weak
On average gains +3 permanent stats per round. However it's again a bad target for bonus stats. Its basline is a 6/6 (because of the +2+2 for one round item). That at least makes it okay in the first few rounds.
Hoarder Okay
He's the hardest to judge and explain, but overall he's weak before you have access to Tier 4 items. (Tip: make him "when you use an item on a unit, use it on me again", so you still get to target your items on the good units)
Wow, it's really cool you put the list together! It's super cool that you like the game enough to do all of this!
We're going to be adding some new things and doing some patches soon that'll change the balance of the overall game pretty soon! But we'll definitely be looking at this to see where you're feeling on some units to see what we can do to get them more in line.
The game is really good and simple, at the beginning i wasn't really a fun but while playing it i found it very entertaining, you could add an endless mode.
Hey everyone, Version 0.2 just went live! You can see the patch notes in-game or in the itch dev log. If you have an Android device, you can also play on your phone now! Check the description for the link.
Thanks everyone for playing, you folks are awesome :) We'll continue to update the game, including new content and units, and be looking to grow the community as much as possible. Keep on rerolling!
you buy a duplicate of the troop and then you fuse them together like super auto pets and then you do that 2 times you get to pick a what the troop evolves into.
Currently, you have to buy the unit into one of you slots (Barracks/Armies) before you can combine. We're meeting to discuss to see if we should allow combining from the shop in a future patch. Sorry if this was confusing!
I upgraded a dragon (which is just the money bags dude upgraded into a banker and upgraded again) the troop becomes nothing and just stats and the game doesnt work after that. But it is still good game and I love all the different unique troops.
(edit 1: nvm I realized that they arent meant to be upgraded past that point
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And, because I feel really motivated at the moment here's Balance Commentary part 3. Please excuse any negativity, since I'm mostly mentioning the weaker units. The game won't be any less awesome because of them. So I hope everyone gets to enjoy post 3, featuring:
Assassin - This unit is almost too good. It completely circumvents the frontline AND hits 2 units. The only downside is when it dies, and the enemy backline doesn't. And maybe its low base HP.
Verdict: one of the top units in the game. IF you want to nerf it, maybe give it the Knife Thrower's ability instead.
Poisoner - Another top unit in my opinion. It cleans up the backline squishies safely from the 2nd row. It also doesn't need attack buffs.
Verdict: another top unit. IF you want to nerf it, either reduce its range (that's less of a nerf than it sounds like, I play it in the 1st row a lot) or make it simply hit everyone for 2, without attacking normally.
Monster - Some people say that it's S-tier, I personally think that it's mostly fine. The attack is halved and the targets are random. Other units are somewhat more reliable.
Verdict: I think it's okay, but as a nerf reducing the amount of attacks to 4 is an easy option without a massive impact.
Shadow - An incredibly strong unit. Most of the time, it will oneshot the 3 units in the back. Makes for an amazing carry, more so because the Assassin is similarly amazing.
Verdict: nerfing this directly is really hard. A rework would be a better idea. I'd simply rework the Assassin to be weaker, leaving the Shadow nerfed as a result.
Knife Thrower - On paper, this unit isn't even that bad. You likely kill a Tier3 tank unit and the Knife Thrower needs no investments. In practice, the Assassin is just so much better. Why would you leave the Assassins unbuffed? Either you buff the Assassins and then downgrade them, or you're gathering terribly weak Tier2 units and die before you get the Knife Thrower.
Short Verdict: bad unit, needs rework
Long Verdict: one buff would be to remove the damage to itself, and reduce the bonus damage to say 50 or 100. I'd also swap it with the Monster, since the Monster is a unit that wants buff, just like the Assassin. Meanwhile the Knife Thrower is a unit that DOESN'T want buffs, just like the Poisoner.
There's also another option: this unit is meant to be a counter against strong frontliners. It's whack to gather a counter that's a Tier3 unit, and would have a better find in a Tier2 unit. So one option would be to switch it with the Assassin, or even give it its own unit branch. As a Tier1 unit, it might deal 10 damage to the target and itself. As a Tier2 unit, it might deal an additional 50 damage to the target and itself. Maybe there's a Tier2 variant that deals an extra 20 to the target, but not itself. There's a lot of things that can happen here.
Living Weapon - This unit is a lot weaker than the Armory. At the point where you get it, the front unit likely already has a lot of attack. I'd much rather spread my attack out a bit more, especially with ranged units the frontline profits from that anyway.Verdict: there's a niche for this, the buff value should probably be the same as the Armory's though.
Weapon Limbs - This unit doesn't suffer the drawbacks of Living Weapon, because it triggers when shopping. That means that you can reposition your units to specifically get the buff on the target you want.
Verdict: don't think this is like the Living Weapon. This one needs to gain less stats the the Furnace. I repeat: do not buff.
Berserker - You get +8 stats once. That should tell you how bad this unit is.
Verdict: must be buffed. For example, it could temporarily gain +8 attack each time it attacks. Or it could gain +3 attack each round.
Shield Knight - To be better than the Berserker, this unit must be hit 9 times. It's just as bad.
Verdict: must be buffed. For example, it could be immune during the first round of combat, or it could prevent attacks against the backline, taking the damage in their stead.
A Shield? - This unit is hard to rate. It counters certain units in the game, but overall I don't think it's too good. One of the issues is that it's both a front and backline unit (you want it in the backline, to grant its buff as long as possible, but you probably buffed the Shield Knights with lots of HP). This would be a great unit if you know what you'll be fighting against, but so far I consider it bad.
Verdict: must be buffed. I like the "invulnerable during the 1st round" idea here as well. Maybe it could extend it to the entire army. Similar with the taking damage in their stead thing. I think the issue is that most backline targeting units (other than the Fire Mage) just oneshot their targets, and 5 less damage won't help.
Tower Knight - This is the HP equivalent to attacking 2 enemies. So technically speaking that would mean it follows more of a Tier2 curve. It is a fairly strong unit anyway, however I would never get it as its ancestor is just too bad. Offense still reigns supreme.
Verdict: what this unit needs is a buff to the Shield Knight. This also makes me think that maybe the Shield Knight could take half damage and the Tower Knight only 1/3rd? Or possibly both take half damage, but the Shield Knight only from the frontline.
Barbarian - This one is a really cool unit. It is the only unit in the game that deals double damage against the frontline (also a thing that the Berserker could get). It also gets extra attacks against backline attackers.
Verdict: cool unit and in a great place
Ogre - The strongest lategame unit in the game. It obliterates almost every teamcomp with a single attack if it's buffed sufficiently. The only way to win against an Ogre is to have a unit yourself that can solo the Ogre's army. Speaking thusly, it might actually make sense that the Berserker is this weak, simply to balance out the Ogre.
Verdict: this unit is very hard to balance. Honestly speaking, nerfing it will probably leave it weaker than the other multiattack units (unless you do something like reduce the damage to 40% of its attack). Maybe also give it a drawback like taking double damage. Alternatively, it could deal double damage and any excess damage carries over to the next unit.
Final option would be to nerf all multiattack units. In that case, maybe the Ogre would hit the first 3 units. A nerf isn't mandatory either; so far it still requires a lot of investment to get the Ogre rolling and at that point every other teamcomp I got also steamrolled almost everything. Might be best to just see how good it is in the future.
tell me you got an op team without telling me you got an op team
in the end the pink guy's (can't remember the name lol) had 192 damage
Ya know, Ogre's are a lot like Onions.
They make me cry when they're suddenly in my face.
lol true
Balance Commentary Post 2 incoming. Please excuse any negativity, since I'm mostly mentioning the weaker units. The game won't be any less awesome because of them. So I hope everyone gets to enjoy post 2, featuring:
Bards - I like every single Bard unit, they all have a decent spot for themselves. I could see using each of them in some set of circumstances.
Verdict: fun & balanced
Super Cleric/Healer - I think they're generally weaker than the Scholar branch. Obviously the HP are better on the frontliner, but it is possible to focus the Scholar a bit more by leaving it in the barracks. I think the Healer's thing is more that you can leave it in the Army, where it won't be doing much because it lacks range.
Verdict: overall a good unit, would benefit from having 2 range like the Scholars.
Necromancer - I've said many times before, that buffs are better on the units that need them. The Necromancer doesn't need them. Worse yet, it grants itself a measly 5 HP per attack. Chances are it gets hit before even getting 30HP for itself. At that point, the Super Cleric would've done more. The range doesn't help much either, since the Healer never had any to begin with.
Verdict: this unit needs a rework, or a massive buff. @TheRealAskz proposed reviving units on 1 HP once, which I like. Or maybe increase the buff value to +10+10 (that's in line with the Tambourinist btw.).
Long Thrower - Another unit that suffers the 5-range issue. At the point where you get it, you're already overkilling the enemy frontline, and you're also opening up the 2-range slot in your army. The Sprinkler is just always the better option.
Verdict: it still provides an alternative niche, but it should probably get a damage boost or more reliable piercing effect. E.g. make it attack the 2nd unit if the 1st unit is already dead.
Spiked Shield - So instead of dealing its attack to the squishier and more dangerous 2nd and 3rd units, it deals up to 25 bonus damage to the front unit. That's just terrible. E.g. the Barbarian attacks the attacking unit back. The Spiked Shield is much, much worse than that. I guess its purpose is to melt the frontline, but it is terrible at it. Hitting the backline is just always better, unless it's a 1-unit team. But it's even worse against those.
Verdict: this requires heavy buffing. At the very least it should retaliate equal it its attack or half its HP. You could also increase the amount to 20. Or, if you want it to be really unique: return half the damage to the sender (shouldn't reduce the damage it takes though, otherwise it's just a better Tower Knight)
Fire Mage - This might be the first unit I mention because it is really good. It's just amazing at clearing out the squishy backline. With optimal targeting it can sometimes kill 3 units at the start of combat.
Verdict: I would still leave it as is though, since it's a great enabler of low-buff teams.
Entropy Mage - In general terms, this unit is weaker than the Fire Mage, but I think it has a wonderful niche for itself in which it excels. The unfortunate part is that it looses its damage as it gets hit, so it can be unreliable at times.
Verdict: it's in a decent spot. It doesn't need buffs if AOE units overall get nerfed. Otherwise, there's 2 options: either before combat its attack becomes half its HP, or the weaker buff would be that it uses its attack once its HP are too low.
Chaos - I think this is a great unit. Amazing for a team without damage buffs. It deals an average of 50 damage per round, usually targeting better enemies than the frontline. The big part is that because of the nature of its predecessor, it likely has a lot of HP.
Verdict: balanced
Entropy Wizard - This unit suffers from similar issues as the Entropy Mage. It needs a lot of HP to be better than Chaos.
Verdict: should probably not loose damage when it gets hit.
One Man Army - the maximum amount of buffage this guy gets is +8 stats if every other slot is empty. That's pretty weak, especially since it's more likely +6 as other slots are occupied by the units you're gathering to upgrade it. On the other hand, it's extremely cost-effective, and allows you to concentrate fully on upgrading it.
Verdict: I guess it can't be made too strong. Though it could do with a buff like "randomly +1+0 or +0+2"
Round Warrior - What prevents me from simply putting a Healer into my first army slot instead? That's the same amount of HP per turn. Also this unit itself is a bad recipient for its own buff. Units like the Hoplite or Assassin just make twice as much out of it.
Verdict: the amount of stats this gets is really underwhelming. Should be minimum +0+6.
Three Swords Style - This suffers all the same downsides as the One Man Army. The max stats i grants are +24. The one thing keeping it afloat are the One Man Army's stats. I guess at least you can just slam items onto it like crazy?
Six Armed Demon - The amount of buffs is dissatisfying. Just like the Three Swords Style, it mostly gets carried by its Tier2 unit. It then makes for a decent frontline unit while you start collecting a backline.
Double Verdict: these 2 units are mostly being hampered by the concept. They can't be too strong, otherwise you'd have a braindead strategy. I think it's fun to have a meme strat or two though, so they're fine as they come. Alternatively, one of them could diverge from the theme and gain a completely different ability, that gives it a power multiplier - like double attack or damage reduction.
Beetle Guard - you upgrade a unit that gets the same HP as the Healer grants, but only on itself to a unit that gets LESS HP than the Super Healer grants, but only on itself.
Verdict: both Beetle Guard and Round Warrior need to gain WAY more stats. I'd give this one at least double of what it receives at the moment.
Mush Knight - This is the sole reason I'd build round warriors for. If you're lucky, you can end up with a bunch of 1-attack enemies. Unfortunately it gets slaughtered by high attack units.
Verdict: The attack reduction needs to be a % value rather than a flat value. The greatest danger to this unit are high attack units after all. Alternatively, it could be reworked to reduce the enemy maximum damage. E.g. after their first attack, the enemy's attack is reduced to 50 if it is higher. Then to 45, then to 40, etc.
Again love the game I just wish there were pairs of units that just go together like how in SAP the horse and cricket go together. I also wish you could freeze one thing then roll without losing that thing
Sry for nagging you with my unnecessary requests lol
there are units that go together, just not rly in tier 1, also going from auto pets to this, the mass freeze felt a little weird, but now i like it, it helps this game differentiate from auto pets, and also idk why but i just feel smarter using mass freeze and thinking about whether i should roll again if i've got like 2 gold, and see if i can get 2 units i want, or freeze here and for sure get 1 unit i want
yeah i agree im always questioning whether or not I should risk rerolling
Couple of things:
for the archer it means that when its at the front it deals 1 damage, no matter how high you make its attack. its a debuff not a buff
If you have sprinkler in second slot behind a tanky boi with tons of damage it destroys EVERYTHING
I fought my own army in "Player Combat" and the funny part is that the armies consisted of a super boosted Piercer agaisnt a super boosted Shadow and it ended in a draw
i will make a tier list for tier 3 (the ones i can remember and the ones i have unlocked)
(This Tier List Is Very Long Lik-)
S Tier = Is OP
A Tier = Is The Best
B Tier = A Good Option
D Tier = A Decent Choice
F Tier = It's A Unbalanced Unit (in a bad way)
Z Tier = Reserved For Knife Thrower
List Of Tier 3s:
Big Backpack = B Tier
cuz big and backpack starts with b and cuz there isn't a good amount of tier 1 gear
Overprepped = D Tier
Rat man is better (cuz Lievven said so)
Rat Man = B Tier
while hoarder is bad rat man is 2 times better
Time Traveler = B Tier
while any tier of gear above 1 is good you only get four so its b tier (also cuz there is no T Tier)
Akimbo = F Tier
there is a lot of units that have this same ability but different range a hoplite is better cuz only cost 9 gold for 2 less range
Soul Musician = S Tier
this is OP when you have a lot of low health units
Tamborinist = A Tier
it heals your whole team by 2 health after attacking (unless it dies lol)
Graduate = S Tier
its good mid game since you focus on buying units instead of gear
Life Coach = S Tier
same with Graduate
Necromancer = F Tier
why does this exist it would be D Tier if its range was five or it could be a S Tier if a unit dies it is revive it with one hp once
Super Cleric = A Tier
its good if the front unit is protecting a 2 or/and 3 range unit or it a ability to reduce damage
Long Thrower = D Tier
Sprinkler Is Better
Piercer = D Tier
Sprinkler Is Better
Spiked Shield = D Tier
its good up frant if it has 300 hp at least (and Sprinkler Is Better)
Sprinkler = S Tier
Give This Unit 200 Attack And You Already Got A Victory
Chaos = B Tier
its a good clean up unit
Entropy Wizard = S Tier
Give This Unit
200 Attack300 Health And You Already Have A VictoryMeteor Mage = S Tier
Give This Unit 200 Attack And You Already Got A Victory
Volcano Mage = B Tier
its a good clean up unit
ATM Machine = A Tier
Couponer = S Tier
Dragon = D Tier
dis is D Tier cuz dragon starts with d (note rerolling does NOT buff the dragon)
Bargainer = F Tier
if you get this before turn 5 its A Tier
3 Sword Style = B Tier
this is b tier but the tier 4 " " and " " is good since if the battle results in a loss it breaks the game
Beetle Guard = A Tier
hp good
Mushroom thing i forgot what its was called = D Tier
Why You Reduce tack is not that good
Six Armed demon = B Tier
is good
Acid Thrower = B Tier
Good Behind The Front Unit
Monster = S Tier
Give This Unit 100 Attack And You Already Got A Victory
Knife Thrower = Z Tier
like the scorpion (super auto pets reference) but why would you use 27 rouges (equal to 81 gold) for a 1000 damage unit plus it is possible to get 1001 hp
Shadow = S Tier
it's in s tier cuz shadow starts with s and if you Give This Unit 200 Attack And You Already Got A Victory
Armory = S Tier
attack time be like
Furnace = B Tier
if you pair this with 1 Couponer And 6 ATMs And Sell The ATMs You Get The Most Gear Available
Living Weapon = A Tier
fren with super cleric
Weapon Limbs = F Tier
Living Weapon Is Better
A Shield = B Tier
less damage < more hp
Tower Knight = A Tier
halfed damage < 5 less damage < more hp
Ogre = S Tier
Give This Unit 400 Attack And You Already Won
(i'm ready for the angry replies)
the edits will be here cuz lag issues
Edit: Necromancer Also Could Be When A Unit Dies Revive That Unit With 10/10 Stats To Make It B Tier
Where Rock Star?
oh yea forgot about that that is an A Tier since buffing attack and health is good
Thanks for putting this together! We'll look this over when were doing balancing for the patch this weekend!
Overprepped logic also applies to Big Backpack. (both just half as strong as their counterpart).
Akimbo is still B-tier, it effectively gets the HP of the units in front of it. Works great together with Mages and a pure tank frontline.
Piercer is probably A-tier. It and the Hoplite are a lot more reliable than the Sprinkler and Javeliner, so I've had a better time making them my carry. Plus triple attack usually only needs 2 attacks to win anyway, after the first of which all dangers would be dead. (Or if they're still alive, you'd be worse off with the Sprinkler)
Knife Thrower is only 9 Rogues and costs 27 Gold (like any other Tier3). It's still the worst unit in the game. It would be a decent unit if it didn't die instantly. If you're worried about it being overpowered, make the bonus damage 100.
Living Weapon/Weapon Limbs are both weaker than their respective counterpart. Maybe B-tier, with some niche options. Attack buffs have diminishing returns: at that point in the game you probably want to spread them more evenly, rather than hyperbuffing the one frontliner that can already oneshot most things.
A lot of these units are ranked pretty nicely though.
Great game! Have been playing since monday and have enjoyed it so far. I have a few questions.
First: Sometimes enemy clerics spawn with 0 damage, so I supose their initial stats are randomiced?
Second: From wich country can you download the game? Says unaviable from mine and I'm looking forward to play it without requiring any kind of conection.
Glad you like it!
Originally the Cleric was a 0/4 but was changed in a recent update. We didn't go back and fix some of the armies you fought against though, so thats probably why they still have 0 atk.
We're looking to release in more countries soon! I believe now were only released in the US and Canada.
this game is great, congratulations =D
I've posted on Tier-2 unit balance before, and wanted to expand this to all units that I feel need some change after I have completed the unitpedia (again). Please excuse any negativity, since I'm mostly mentioning the weaker units (some stronger ones might come later). The game won't be any less awesome because of them. So I hope everyone gets to enjoy post 1, featuring:
The Hiker - I've considered this unit weak before, but ever since changed my opinion. It only gets +4 permanent stats per round, but the temporary +2+2 item and the great scaling of its Tier1 ancestor make this a great early game unit that doesn't require any buffing.
Verdict: balanced
The Hoarder - In theory this can grant a ton of stats, in practice you can't afford that many items. It scales better in the lategame with upgraded shopkeepers, but is trash up until you've almost won anyway. On top of that, having 2 doesn't scale any better than having only 1.
Verdict: easily fixable by duplicating any item you place on any unit on itself. That way having 2 of them is better than having 1, and you can target the items on the units that need them.
Big Backpack - By my calculations, this one should get +8 permanent stats per round on itself. Horrible compared to other Tier3 buff units that grant up to +18 stats on better targets, and also weaker than his brother.
Verdict: needs a rework, always just a strictly better or worse alternative than the TImetraveller
Overprepped - This unit is actually a downgrade of the Hiker. The duplicate item is better on other units, that use the stats better through multi-attack or similar scalings.
Verdict: should receive the item 4 times
Shop Keep - This unit is bad. You'd have to buy 3 items every single round, to justify not having any other buffing unit instead. Again, having two of these doesn't scale either.
Verdict: needs buff, maybe reduce the price of the first two items bought by 2. That way you'd have more of an incentive to buy items, and with two of these you'd either get 4 items off, or the 2 items are free.
Bargain Seeker - This unit has its priorities completely backwards. First a discount on items (when you need units) and later a discount on units (when you want items). Plus you need to buy 3 units every round to beat the Banker, a Tier2 unit.
Verdict: at the very least, this should discount BOTH shops. Or grant a bigger discount for the first few units bought. Potentially grant you a number of free rerolls every round.
Dragon - Gains +1 stats per gold spent. That's 10 stats per round. On itself, the worst possible target. This shares the spot for the worst Tier3 buffing unit in the game with the Big Backpack & the Overgeared.
Verdict: make it more unique. This could hoard (save) gold between turns. Gain massive attack buffs from unspent gold. Give it 5 range (makes sense for a mighty Dragon, no?) Or simply just increase the buff to 2x or 3x per gold spent. Go all-out, this can have 3x the stats of a Shadow or Piercer without being (more) broken.
Longbowman - Generally range is amazing, but 5 range just isn't better than 3 range. In the first place, before getting a 5 range unit I'd get a 2 and 3 range unit. At that point, you're already pretty saturated with damage and the Longbowman is likely just overkilling the enemy frontline. It also isn't safer than a 3 range unit, because of Assassins and some of its range is taken away by the downside.
Verdict: at least remove the downside. It still wouldn't be my preferred choice, but it could be useful if its upgrades are good. Alternatively give it some bonus damage so it doesn't require buffing to do anything.1
Long Crossbowman - This one suffers from the same range issue as the longbowman. Usually Akimbo just beats it. Also after upgrading it, the 3-range slot is now open, giving the range almost not benefit at all.
Verdict: it's still a decent niche option, but it might be better to rework. Maybe make it a piercing attack that hits the first 3 units for 10 damage or something similar.
Longer Bowman - Still the range issue. It's a decent niche upgrade though, since it hits the backline - something not many units do. The double damage is a nice extra, but not particularly good. At the point where you get this, you should have some massive damage buffs already (or you're overextending items by buffing multiple units that all need attack)
Verdict: usually a waste of gold, but maybe it could find a place in some teams that don't utilize buffing units. Potentially change the double damage to a flat damage bonus.
Sniper - Again, the range issue. This unit's niche however is definitely no-buff comps. In general that seems to be where the Longbowmen are heading. Unfortunately, I do not think that it is that viable compared to Poisoners or Volcano Mages, simply due to the base unit having almost no attack.
Verdict: Longbowmen need a flat attack bonus to make this viable.
Any units from the Adventurer, Money Bags & Archer lines that I haven't mentioned are likely in a good place (at least based on my thoughts), or will be if their predecessors get a buff.
Thanks again for all the thought you've put into the game!
I'm so addicted to this game. So fun!!
i just thought if a rogue in front goes against another rogue up front then the back units will only get hit (unless range) so that problem could cause a lot of problems like soft locks and bugs
Anyways, Here Are Ideas For Update
x Win Option: You Can Set How Many Wins To Get To Get A Victory
Endless: You Might Already Been Planning To Add That Anyways
Campaign? : A Campaign Sounds Cool With Bosses I Guess
Pause And Fast forward: Freeze Plus Speed
Private And Public Versus: lag go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Cosmetics : yes gain them from campaign or buy with points from winning
New units : units that are new
custom versus rules: i can't wait to see lobbies with settings like only use rouge and 1 life
(i dont like pressing left shift anymore)
ranked mode: rank
casual mode: casu
gear effects : stuff like "20% to dodge but when dodge let unit behing take damage"
Eventually the rogues would kill the back units until one worked its way up and would hit the front unit.
We have a couple of these that we're thinking of implementing in the future. Our next update will have new units!
Ranked is stretch goal for sure, as well as a longer mode that we can try to implement with out current setup! Currently the game stops if you go past 30 turns just because of saving/loading data for armies. I'm looking in a way to make this longer so we can have longer games.
ye but imagine that the attack them is 2 and both teams have a shield?
Hey all, in case anyone hasn't heard, we just passed 1000 plays on itch in a single day. That's unreal. We tweeted about it on the Rerolling Knights twitter here:
Thank you all so much for playing the game! We will have a public Discord opened up with the next update, coming this weekend, for everyone to share builds, guides, strategies, and share your
complaintsthoughts with the developers.Until then, thanks for commenting and being a part of this community, Y'all are rad <3
I like it
yw, btw I found a tiny teensy mistake. the one-man army and round warrior aren't by each other but they come from the same tier one unit instead it is alternating with the poisoner and Assasin. it probably doesn't bother anyone else but im a perfectionist lol.
It bothers ME! The guy who made the UI! I'll have this fixed in the next update :)
Same thing with how the tier 3s arent just in the rows of 4 matching the base unit, it feels wrong and also a bit harder to figure out whats left in a unitpedia
one more thing sry but i kinda bothers me that you have to buy the friend whistle and after you use it you have to buy the unit as well
lol glad it's not just me that it bothers
mages are too op pls nerf ( no funni intro this time :( )
Oh Also The Friend Whistle ( i want one irl pls ) doesn't work with the mages right (done on beginner mode to "revive" the op tier 4)
Hey Everyone!
Thanks for all the support, we've now hit over 10* my original goals of 200 plays with over TWO THOUSAND plays!
We're going to try to push an update (Balance and Content) out this weekend, which will also have an invite to our discord where we can discuss more as a community.
If you've been liking the game so far, leaving a rating or review would be incredible. Every comment makes my day so thank you all so much!
you're welcome
i have noo idea what this is a friend sent this to me and the only context i got was "i have no itch account" that's it soo idk what to call this i'm thinking his ability should be that after attack lower attack by 5 to attacked enemy and self
Shopkeeper and Hoarder: not good
Couponer and Overperper: good
This is why sometimes tier 2 evolutions are stepping stones for the better ones
Use the Ratman rather than the Overprepper. Not only does the Rat give MORE items, it also gives the items to better targets. Aka. your other units that hit multiple enemies or take reduced damage.
Overprepper would need 4 items to be as effective as the Ratman.
ye that's why couponer is there to help it gives the overprepper at least 7 items in one turn
The Couponer works just as well with the Rat. That's the issue here: the Ratman is just always better. Because it triples the effectiveness of each item, instead of doubling it like the Overprepper. Plus it gives the extra items to units that have a better use for it than itself.
This bad boy is in the PvP pool now. Good luck!
Hey all, we just made a twitter account for the game! Give it a follow :) Discord soon!
nice i shall view it on my non existing account
pretty cool team i found
That's one BIG Unit :0
if winning is too easy for you i got some challenges for you in no order so I won't get replies like "oh this challenge is to easy the one where you have to <insert challenge name here> because of that <insert long explanation here about abilities>" or like "NoOoOooO tHe <insert challenge name here> cHaLlenGe iS tOo hArd PLeAse pUt ThAt OnE oN HaRD chAlLEnGEs" so here we go.
1. No Gear Allowed (other units that can buff is allowed)
2. No Long Range Units Allowed (units with range above 1 is not allowed)
3. No Short Ranged Units Allowed (units with range below 2 is not allowed)
4. Like Challenges 2 or 3 but the units evolution must meet with the rules (if you want an evolution but it doesn't follow the rules put it in the barracks until it follows the rules)
5. Only One Type Of Unit
6. No Buffing Units Allowed (gear is allowed so shopkeeper and couponer is a good idea too your team)
7. Only 3 Units
8. Only 2 Units
9. Only One Unit
10. Like 9 But Barracks Are Disabled (Edit1: self buffing is allowed btw)
11. No Gear Or Buffing Units Allowed (it's possible but I did it on normal)
12. Like 10 But Gear Is Disabled
These sound quite fun! It's funny because before the game came out, the only "Player Armies" were the dev / internal tester armies, and the game was way harder. Now that more casual players are playing, the "Player Armies" may be easier than Advanced sometimes ._.
11. includes self buff or are Round Warrior, etc. allowed?
yes self buffing are not allowed
A One Man Army (with the unit called the one man army)
is it supposed to work this way????????????
Firstly, how and secondly,
w h a t
this is why solo armys are a good late game strat but a bad early to mid game strat
Nothing here is working incorrecrly, but it does seem like we need to tweak some of the balancing for these kinds of builds going forward!
Thanks for posting, also laughed at the intro!
Awesome game! I feel like with progress it could become a good game! However I am confused, how to I upgrade my unit's tiers?
Glad you like it!
To upgrade your units you have to buy multiple of the same from the shop and combine them once they're in your slots.
This game is so fun! I was able to complete the Unit-Pedia over the course of a day, and it really forces you all sorts of interesting strategies, so I would recommend anyone to try.
Of course, I also got to know the strong and weak units, in the context of creating every Tier 3. I would say that the Adventurer and Bard are best for staying ahead of the curve, while the Archer and Mage have good damage, and the Warrior provides sturdy cover for ranged units. On the other hand, the Recruit (usually), and the Lancer seemed weak, and I would pass them up when going for the other Tier 3's.
Some of the specific Tier 2 paths also felt lacking. The Hoarder, Shop Keep, and Blacksmith are a bit too hard to use (mostly because I always need to be rerolling to find enough units for Tier 3), and the Entropy Mage never really did much until I already had a Tier 3 defensive wall. My personal favorites were the Hiker, Fire Mage, Scholar, and Weapon Smith, which worked well in lots of different armies.
Overall, it was really satisfying to go from struggling to make any Tier 3's to getting three in a single army – there is definitely a focus on skill, and minimizing luck instead of being bent to its will.
The luckiest thing I had happen was a One Man Army in turn one – that's a shop with only Recruits, and it happened to me twice!
Thanks for the feedback! We'll look at this when doing a balance change in the future!
We're really glad you like it!
Mind talking some about the balance? I also completed the unitpedia and I agree on some of them, and wanna get more opinions on the other ones.
I found that the Adventurer/Hiker as well as Warrior would mostly make a good early unit, because they scaled fast, but wouldn't be any good once you got all the Tier2 units necessary for your comp, in fact they'd just seem to slow me down at that point. I would imagine them to be a lot better if you reroll a lot to Tier3 them maybe?
I typically don't need to reroll too much for Tier3 and like to use Lancer/Assassin for the frontline, to get the double attack going with a Smith/Cleric/Bard for defense.
That way the Blacksmith is actually pretty decent, tho I prefer to use the Weapon Smith over it to concentrate its buffs into only 3 scaling units.
We're looking to have a discord up and running in the next couple days so discussing updates and balance will be way easier there.
We're reading all the comments though and taking them into account when we do our first balance patch in the coming weeks!
Here's A Video (agin)
Since I do game analysis as a hobby, I've tried to roughly sort good and bad units for my entertainment, for the devs to maybe save some work balancing and for players to hopefully have an easier and better time. If anyone has to add or correct anything, please go ahead and comment for the benefit of everyone.
I have only sorted Tier 2 units (since having weak Tier 2's is what you die from and my unitpedia just got deleted) and I rank them in 3 categories:
Drummer/Musician Baseline
These give 5+ stats per round if you use them right. While the amount is better than normal, the spread makes it a bit weaker.
Hoplite Baseline
This attacks 2 units, meaning it effectively doubles all buffs it receives. It also counters tanky frontliners, as it strikes behind them as well.
Javilener Strong
Range is still OP, and this is the only ranged unit to potentially get extra attacks in. It does get counted by very tanky frontliners, but it's still decent against them, as range is their counter.
Berserker Weak
A one-time buff of 8 damage. Other units outscale this in 1 or 2 turns. (Tip: make this unit's attack bonus temporarily grow every time it attacks)
Shield Knight Weak
To be better than the Berserker, this guy must be hit by 9 attacks. (Tip: make this unit invulnerable during the first round of combat)
Fire Mage Strong
Range is OP, giving this unit effectively the HP of the first slot unit, that alone makes it good. The random targeting and extra damage make it a powerhouse at cleaning up squishies.
Entropy Mage Strong
Range still OP. Additionally, the unique ability eventually outscales the Fire Mage.
Assassin Strong
Hitting 2 units doubles attack and attack buffs from other units. Hitting the backline is better than the frontline, but has the downside of doing nothing if it dies and they survive.
Poisoner Strong
Range is still OP. Deals an additional 8 damage. This is the Berserker, but good. Possibly too good, since the bonus damage oftentime cleans 1-2 backliners.
Blacksmith Strong
Grants an average of 6 stats per round, but on random targets, definitely hits the baseline
Weapon Smith Strong
Only grants 4 stats per round, but doesn't hit barracks units, making it very reliable
Longbowman Okay
Theoretically it gains the HP of every unit in front of it, but in practice it easily gets shut down by units that target the backline. It also barely got more "buddy" HP than a 3 range unit, due to getting nerfed to 1 attack in the frontline. (Tip: just remove the frontline nerf)
Crossbow Man Strong
Range is still OP, and it's the only unit with 3 range. In return, the 3 extra damage is weaker than the mages' version.
Healer Strong
This gives slightly below baseline stats to the unit that needs them the most.
Scholar Strong
Gives 50% more stats than the healer, but to random targets. However since it targets only the army, it's still fairly reliable. Did I mention it's ranged yet?
One Man Army Okay
Grants itself up to 8 stats, realistically the best is 6. However, it is also a bad target, due to lacking power amplifyers. The random stat distribution doesn't help. The saving grace is that you upgrade him a lot faster.
Round Warrior Okay
Same stats as the healer, but targets ONLY itself.
Banker Strong
The extra gold is 2 items/units every 3 rounds. In items, that's roughly 3-4 stats per round on the best targets. And units are even better.
Shopkeep Okay
You have to buy 3 items per round for this to gain more value than the banker. This can't be used on units. And unlike the banker, 2 of these don't stack either. (Tip: make this "one random item per round is free" or "the first two items you buy each round cost 2 less")
Hiker Weak
On average gains +3 permanent stats per round. However it's again a bad target for bonus stats. Its basline is a 6/6 (because of the +2+2 for one round item). That at least makes it okay in the first few rounds.
Hoarder Okay
He's the hardest to judge and explain, but overall he's weak before you have access to Tier 4 items. (Tip: make him "when you use an item on a unit, use it on me again", so you still get to target your items on the good units)
Wow, it's really cool you put the list together! It's super cool that you like the game enough to do all of this!
We're going to be adding some new things and doing some patches soon that'll change the balance of the overall game pretty soon! But we'll definitely be looking at this to see where you're feeling on some units to see what we can do to get them more in line.
Thanks again and I really appreciate it!
I sure hope to see some awesome new stuff in the future. This game certainly made it to the top of my bookmarks.
The game is really good and simple, at the beginning i wasn't really a fun but while playing it i found it very entertaining, you could add an endless mode.
Hey everyone, Version 0.2 just went live! You can see the patch notes in-game or in the itch dev log. If you have an Android device, you can also play on your phone now! Check the description for the link.
Thanks everyone for playing, you folks are awesome :) We'll continue to update the game, including new content and units, and be looking to grow the community as much as possible. Keep on rerolling!
Tier 4 units are possible its just break de game :D, great game i enjoyed it!!!
idk why but I can't upgrade the people in my army
you buy a duplicate of the troop and then you fuse them together like super auto pets and then you do that 2 times you get to pick a what the troop evolves into.
Currently, you have to buy the unit into one of you slots (Barracks/Armies) before you can combine. We're meeting to discuss to see if we should allow combining from the shop in a future patch. Sorry if this was confusing!
thank you for your help
a really good game, but please add infinite mode.
We're looking on adding more time in a future update!
bro I was trying to see what the fully upgraded bard was and I accidentally won :/
can you make more than 10 levels? it's kinda hard to explore the game when there isn't any time.
We're looking on adding more time in a future update!
pls fix this bug this glitch took soooooo long that i added sponsors for my chanell
This bug should be fixed now!
if you want to want consider MEGA-BUFFING
to do mega buffing you must have
-One Unit In Your Army
-At Least Have A Good Ability
-And At Least Two Buffing Units In Your Barracks
Watch This Video For More Expatiation
Dont upgrade your troops past the 3rd evolution
it breaks the game.
I upgraded a dragon (which is just the money bags dude upgraded into a banker and upgraded again) the troop becomes nothing and just stats and the game doesnt work after that. But it is still good game and I love all the different unique troops.
(edit 1: nvm I realized that they arent meant to be upgraded past that point
also very fun game)
Yeah, that'll be fixed in the next update and it'll be more clear that it doesn't go any farther!
Sorry that wasn't in for this release. Thanks for liking the game and playing long enough to figure it out though!
ye i agree i did that and it was broken since i did it once