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patapon 4 lookin good


pls nerf solo teams Why? here is a video


Woah, that's a really powerful strat that I haven't seen yet! Creative ;)

We have the 0.2 update coming very soon, but it doesn't address any large-scale design or balance changes. We're aiming to get an update on some balancing and maybe some other tweaks to design coming in either 0.3 or 0.4, so stay tuned!

ye i didn't expect this to be op since i thought it was dumb at the time

(1 edit) (+2)

hey look it is sword and shield (not pokemon)

(4 edits) (+3)

This Patapon and SAP combination is really great! When I sat down today I did not expect to get hooked into unlocking every tier 3 but here I am now, definetly enjoyed my time with it.


Glad you liked it!


I edited my original post but I don't know if sends notifications or something for those, but after posting I also wanted to comment on two of the units:

I will say that the Hoarder and Shopkeep probably feel like the weakest units and I'd like to maybe see some buff? While they synergize well, the hoarder trades being able to get 3 free 1 tier gear for the fact that you can spend gold to get 2 gear for any tier, technically. Shopkeep makes it slightly more bearable, but by themselves, if you instead get the banker, they technically can make the difference of buying 2 food at shopkeep price while being more versatile. While I think tier 3s for shopkeep are better, tier 3s for Hoarder feel barely like an upgrade, especially Overprepped. I think the last thing against them is scalability. While having 2 tier 2s of other units, they can act independently, making you recieve the rewards of both units (ex. while going for tier 3 scholar, having 2 tier 2 scholars gives you twice the health buffs as one), while here the units don't give any additional benefit except stats when combined.
I think that this is a fun route with the units to take but too hard to execute (Maybe am just bad or trying too hard to get tier 3s) and not simply go for a hiker/banker, while I also understand that a solution like 2 Shopkeeps reducing price by 2 might get too good.

(2nd Edit) Ok well maybe scratch that as I just managed to get in a win with this with only 2 losses (albeit carried by Poisoner), still I'd like to know your thoughts on the units!


I definitely think Shop Keep and Hoarder could use a little love. They both scale really well into the late game on their own with the upgraded gear coming in later (the hoarder does duplicated the AOE effects), but I do think they need a slight nudge after looking over the units people have gravitating towards recently.

I don't think they're unplayable or anything though, just need a small adjustment of some kind to bring them back into line with the other units on terms of power level.


I love this game. The graphics are simple but charming, the style really speaks to me 10/10 for me here. The mechanics are also solid, simple and fun.

There are only minor downsides, but I'll list them here anyway:

  • can't upgrade unit directly from shop, need to clear inventory space first
  • games are relatively short, would be nice to set a game time for X rounds or X wins (at least 15 or 20 wins should be an option)
  • Tier 1 & 2 units are fewer in number than Tier 3 units, but it's also really hard to get more than 1 or 2 Tier 3 units before winning. The game would gain a lot from a greater selection of early units, rather than late units. (maybe T2s could share some of their upgrades, rather than having 2 unique ones each)

We're looking into a longer gameplay loop in the future.

Also in a future content update (Probably in a week or two) there will be a bunch more Tier 1 units to play with and a new mechanic that keeps the game fresh, while still having a bunch of 3*s to discover!


Also thanks for the kind feedback, we appreciate it a lot and are really glad you like it!


A deadlock can happen when 2 clerics fight.


That will be fixed in our next update!

(1 edit) (+2)

first ever playthrough won


is there  better duo than this?

not really but i will say adding a shield dude would help 

dont mind the fact that i have a tier 3 rogue and the fact its in the wrong side


I faced this army in the Player Armies difficulty! I guess that means that it works.

Nice also I hope you won that battle hopefully


first win


Won again




If I Haven't Lost I Would Have Gotten A Tier 4


I'm glad you lost cause they don't exist yet... shhhh don't tell anyone


Whoops Accidentally Uploaded This

This will be fixed in the next update haha, Thanks for playing enough to get here though!


ye you should fix the tier 4 there ability to crash the game if opposing army will win is too op

what do you mean by yet? hmmmmmmmm sus


A way to keep going after 10 rounds would be great.  An endless mode trying to get as high as possible sounds great.


We're looking into a good way to do this going forward. There isn't a great way to create armies that go past 30 turns at the moment but we'll try to figure it out!




Love seeing someone starting to build off of SAP! Love some of the twists you've brought here, definitely mining more of the genre's potential.


Thanks! I really just wanted to see if the evolving mechanic would work in the format so I'm glad you've enjoyed them!



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